Century 21, DollarBill, Dominos logo, GoldGlobe, UniversalNoSymbol, US48StatesBeveled Created by, and Copyright ) 1996, Jim Perry Century 21 & Dominos logo are trademarks of their respective companies and may not be used without permission of said companies These objects were created for a myriad of different projects throughout the year of 1996. I hope these objects help someone out there- being as I've gotten help from the many people who've upload to the internet. A little about myself: I am a videographics designer currently residing in Dayton, Ohio. I've been doing 3D animation with Lightwave for about 3 years. I use many platforms to create my work and have just recently (7/1/96) migrated to a Raptor. I can be contacted through e-mail at: jperry@dayton.net Or I'm usually on IRC as S-Ray in the #Lightwave channel. Web page: http://www.dayton.net/~jperry Legalities: I hereby place this object in the "If-You-Use-It-Please-Let-Me-Know-Or- Send-Me-An-Animation-That-You-Used-It-In" domain. The objects & images are freely redistributable but you must include this text file with the archive.